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Which fertilizer to use: Organic or Inorganic?

Sunshine Boosters

Sunshine Boosters

Inorganic fertilizers

Inorganic fertilizers



💩 Which fertilizer to use: Organic or Inorganic?

ℹ️ Fertilizers help plants grow. They give plants nutrients they need. There are two types of fertilizers:

🐮 Organic Fertilizers:
  • · Made from natural materials: compost, manure, plant waste.
  • · Good for the soil and environment.
  • · Release nutrients slowly, which helps plants over time.

🧪 Inorganic Fertilizers:
  • · Made from chemicals in factories.
  • · Can give plants quick nutrients.
  • · Might harm the soil and environment over time.

Pros of Organic Fertilizers:
  • · Better for the health of the soil.
  • · Helps good microorganisms live in the soil.
  • · Safer for pets and kids.

  • 🔴Cons of Inorganic Fertilizers:

· Can cause pollution.
· Might make soil unhealthy if used too much.

🟢 Sunshine Boosters is your ultimate solution:
  • based on organic fertilizers (organic amino-acids).
  • help plants grow strong and healthy without harming the environment.
  • make the soil better, support friendly bugs, and are safe for everyone.
  • Using Sunshine Boosters means you’re taking care of your plants and the planet!

📚 Learn more, with charts:
Organic or inorganic fertilizers, which is best?

🛒 Shop Sunshine Boosters


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Sunshine Orchidasm Fertilizer

Sunshine Orchidasm Fertilizer

Orchids in bloom

🌸How to grow everblooming orchids like these?
  • 💋Orchids culture is different from garden ornamental plants. They are epiphytes, so you cannot use regular garden fertilizer on orchids, because they are very sensitive to salts.
  • 💋Orchids need a special, acidic type of fertilizer, very mild in action.
  • 💋Sunshine Boosters formula is exactly what orchids need. It is amino-acid based, very mild, and doesn't create nutrient lock up (building up salts is one of the biggest enemies of tender orchids). Sunshine Boosters Orchidasm Complete Feed is scientifically balanced orchid food that contains all necessary nutrients, including micro-elements, for healthy, happy, vigorous orchids.
  • 💋 Sunshine Orchidasm can be used as often as daily with every foliage spray.
  • 💋From our testing experience, after using Orchidasm Booster, orchids not only get happy and thriving - they also bloom more often - up to several times a year, shooting new flower spikes one after another (while normal blooming cycle for most orchids is once a year). It gets even better - the flower display lasts twice longer!

😊To enjoy beautiful Orchid flowers year around - treat them with Love, give them some Orchidasm!

📚 Learn more: Sunshine Orchidasm

🛒 Order Sunshine Orchidasm

#Fertilizers #How_to #Container_garden

🏵 TopTropicals


How to make plants green?

How to make plants green? How to make plants green? How to make plants green?
How to make plants green? Give them some Superfood!

🍀 Pale or yellow leaves? Green veins on yellow leaves? How to improve that look? Any special fertilizer?

  • ✅ Leaf chlorosis or in other words "iron deficiency", especially during wet rainy weather - may be not harmful to the plant but bad for the looks.

  • ✅ This deficiency can be corrected with microelement applications - Sunshine Superfood.

  • ✅ Use Sunshine Superfood once a week to correct the iron deficiency that usually goes away within a month.

  • ✅ Then maintain plants health with monthly applications.

  • ✅ It is beneficial to use microelements in combination with regular applications of health boosting fertilizer such as Sunshine Robusta.

🛒 Shop Sunshine Superfood

#Fertilizers #How_to

🏵 TopTropicals


A story about John and Kayla and their little fruit tree

👫 🌳 A story about John and Kayla and their little fruit tree.

🍊 What is the best fertilizer for fruit trees?


  • 🔸 helps to produce strong growth, high yield, larger fruit size.

  • 🔸 improves plant health and vigor, and increases crop yield.

  • 🔸 eco-friendly and natural, can be used for edibles and organic gardens. Pollinating insects friendly.

  • 🔸 safe to use in daily feeding with every watering.

  • 🔸 does not affect crop taste.

🛒 Get SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Booster for your fruit garden

#How_to #Fertilizers

🏵 @TopTropicals


Whats wrong with your water? (Dont do this to your irrigation system)

Whats wrong with your water? (Dont do this to your irrigation system)
🎥 What's wrong with your water? (Don't do this to your irrigation system)

☔️ Your hose or rain water brings your plants a drink, but not a plant food! Adding composted manure to your irrigation is just not the right solution... Instead, you should make a solution of scientifically formulated liquid plant food - Sunshine Boosters.

  • 💧All Sunshine Boosters are compatible and can be mixed all in one watering-can right before use.

  • 💧They can be used with every watering, year around including winter time

  • 💧Different formulas designed for different plant types: fruiting, flowering, foliage plants, etc., plus additional supplements of microelements and biostimulants.

  • 💧Sunshine Boosters have a full spectrum of essential elements. Amino-acids provide total consumption, so nutrients do not build up in soil even with daily applications.

🛒 Shop Sunshine Boosters 💦


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Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel
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Follow these tags to find your interests:

🦋 #Butterfly_Plants - Butterfly attracting plants.

#Container_Garden - Plants suitable for container garden and indoor culture.

🧯 #Fertilizers - All the truth about fertilizers, plant food supplements, and our recommendations for different types of plants.

🥭 #Food_Forest - Fruit trees, Spice plants, and Edibles.

📖 #Fun_Facts - interesting plant facts and legends.

🌳 #Hedges_with_benefits - Practical approach to your landscape and how to properly select showy and useful plants for your yard.

♍️ #Horoscope - Plant Horoscopes and Cat Horoscopes. Did you know that cats also have their Zodiac signs?

🛠 #How_to - Q&A about growing plants, tropical garden lifehacks.

👀 #Nature_Wonders - Unusual, amusing, outrageous, bizarre plants...

#PeopleCats - our Favorite PeopleCats (and some PeopleDogs, too).

🌸 #Perfume_Plants - Fragrant plants and perfume trees.

✍️ #Quotes - Interesting quotes.

🥗 #Recipes - Exotic recipes for tropical fruit and edibles.

#Remedies - Medicinal plants.

☁️ #Shade_Garden - Plants suitable for low light conditions.

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s - Spectacular flowering tropical trees.

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Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel
🔴 🗂 Index of TopTropicals Telegram Channel

Follow these tags to find your interests:

🦋 #Butterfly_Plants - Butterfly attracting plants.

#Container_Garden - Plants suitable for container garden and indoor culture.

🧯 #Fertilizers - All the truth about fertilizers, plant food supplements, and our recommendations for different types of plants.

🥭 #Food_Forest - Fruit trees, Spice plants, and Edibles.

📖 #Fun_Facts - interesting plant facts and legends.

🌳 #Hedges_with_benefits - Practical approach to your landscape and how to properly select showy and useful plants for your yard.

♍️ #Horoscope - Plant Horoscopes and Cat Horoscopes. Did you know that cats also have their Zodiac signs?

🛠 #How_to - Q&A about growing plants, tropical garden lifehacks.

👀 #Nature_Wonders - Unusual, amusing, outrageous, bizarre plants...

#PeopleCats - our Favorite PeopleCats (and some PeopleDogs, too).

🌸 #Perfume_Plants - Fragrant plants and perfume trees.

✍️ #Quotes - Interesting quotes.

🥗 #Recipes - Exotic recipes for tropical fruit and edibles.

#Remedies - Medicinal plants.

☁️ #Shade_Garden - Plants suitable for low light conditions.

🌼 #Tree
s - Spectacular flowering tropical trees.

🏆 #Win - Contests, Sweepstakes, and other specials.

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How to keep plants green, and fruit trees - productive?

🌻 How to keep plants green, and fruit trees - productive?

😺 SUNSHINE SuperFood - Micro-element Plant Booster does the job and adds to your plants' diet all necessary elements that may be lacking in poor soils.

SUNSHINE SuperFood has been a proven remedy in commercial crops.

‼️ Do your plants ever get the following problems? Sunshine Superfood will fix thems all:

  • ❇️ Flowers are small or not fragrant? ✔️

  • ❇️ Mishapen, small fruit or no fruiting? ✔️

  • ❇️ Poor root growth? ✔️

  • ❇️ Pale or yellow leaves, die backs, curled leaves, slow growth? ✔️

And much, much more! Don't let your plants starve! 🥗

🎥 Sunshine Superfood results in sunflower fields of Ukraine, video from a drone we donated 💪🇺🇦

🛒 Get SUNSHINE SuperFood to improve your garden crops

#How_to #Fertilizers

🏵 @TopTropicals


How to grow happy, healthy plants in a care-free garden?

🌈 How to grow happy, healthy plants in a care-free garden?
What plant food to choose for the best results?
How to use fertilizer wisely for edibles and the environment?

😺 Organic amino-acid based Sunshine Boosters is the answer.

  • Sunshine Boosters can be used with every watering and year around including winter time (unlike dry fertilizers), even on dormant plants.

  • Scientifically developed formulas have a full spectrum of essential elements. Amino-acids provide total consumption, so nutrients do not build up in soil even with daily applications.

  • All Sunshine Boosters are compatible and can be mixed all in one watering-can 🪣

  • Environmentally safe, great for edibles, pollinating insects friendly🐞🕷🦋🐝

  • For completely easy Carefree.Garden, consider installing smart injector in your irrigation system: The Robuster - automatic fertilizer injector and doser 💻

📚 Learn more about Sunshine Boosters

🛒 Shop Sunshine Boosters for different types of plants.

#How_to #Fertilizers

🏵 @TopTropicals


How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?

 How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?  How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?  How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?  How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?  How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?  How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?  How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?
🌺 How to get rid of pests on Hibiscus?

Hibiscus flowers are beautiful but the plants are also... tasty! So they can face a variety of pests, including:

  • · Aphids: small insects cluster on new growth, sucking sap from the plant and causing distortion or yellowing of leaves.
  • · Whiteflies: look like tiny moths and can be found on the undersides of leaves, sucking plant juices.
  • · Spider Mites: can form webs on the undersides of leaves and cause discoloration and stippling.
  • · Thrips: slender insects that feed on flower buds and young leaves, causing them to become distorted and discolored.
  • · Scales: small, immobile bumps on stems and leaves, sucking sap and weakening the plant.

🧯 Treatment methods:
  1. Pruning: Remove heavily infested parts of the plant and dispose of them properly to prevent the spread of pests.
  2. Natural Predators: Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, or wasps, which prey on common garden pests.
  3. Horticultural Oils: Neem oil or insecticidal soap can be effective against soft-bodied pests like aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Sunshine Nobug is a perfect organic solution that contains oil and soap.
  4. Water Spray: Regularly spraying your hibiscus with a strong stream of water can help dislodge pests like aphids and whiteflies from the plant.
  5. Systemic Insecticides: These are chemicals absorbed by the plant, making it toxic to insects feeding on it. However, use them cautiously and follow the instructions to minimize harm to beneficial insects and the environment.

❗️Always monitor your hibiscus plants closely for signs of pest infestation, and take prompt action to prevent damage. Regular maintenance, such as proper watering and fertilizing, can also help keep plants healthy and more resistant to pests 🕷🐛

#How_to #Fertilizers

🏵 @TopTropicals