How to make plants green?

❓ How to make plants green? Give them some Superfood!
🍀 Pale or yellow leaves? Green veins on yellow leaves? How to improve that look? Any special fertilizer?
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#Fertilizers #How_to
🏵 TopTropicals
🍀 Pale or yellow leaves? Green veins on yellow leaves? How to improve that look? Any special fertilizer?
✅ Leaf chlorosis or in other words "iron deficiency", especially during wet rainy weather - may be not harmful to the plant but bad for the looks.
✅ This deficiency can be corrected with microelement applications - Sunshine Superfood.
✅ Use Sunshine Superfood once a week to correct the iron deficiency that usually goes away within a month.
✅ Then maintain plants health with monthly applications.
✅ It is beneficial to use microelements in combination with regular applications of health boosting fertilizer such as Sunshine Robusta.
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#Fertilizers #How_to
🏵 TopTropicals