What is the easiest container plant with beautiful flowers?

Adenium collage
- 🌸 Desert roses - Adeniums! With so many colors of hybrids available in cultivation, you want to collect them all!
- 🌸 Double flowers, red, purple, yellow, striped, dotted, rainbow, and even black flowers!
- 🌸 Unlike most tropical and house plants, Adeniums like a neutral to hard water. They have very low water needs, can grow in full sun or shade.
- 🌸 A secret how to create a large swollen caudex: raise the plant a bit every time you re-pot it, so that the upper part of roots will be a little exposed. The plant will form more roots that will go down.
📚 Learn how to grow Adeniums:
What you need for successful growing Adeniums
🛒 Shop Adenium colors and hybrids
#Container_Garden #How_to
🏵 TopTropicals