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Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?

Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?
Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?

You already saw one unusual blue flower of Tropics - Lead Flower. This one is even more interesting!

👄 Mazabuka, or Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus) has mauve-blue, unusually lipped flowers that are lightly violet-lavender-fragrant!

  • 💙 Blue Lips create a pretty floral display on this shade-loving shrub with its attractive glossy green foliage.

  • 💙 Flowers are mauve-blue to purple and the lower petals are ribbed, giving the impression of lips, hence the common name.

  • 💙 Five fringed lobes, equal in size, short and rounded, are the flowers distinguishing feature.

  • 💙 Shade lover. Will happily bloom in the shade!

🐝🐦 The numerous flowers produced in summer are attractive to pollinating insects which encourage insect-feeding birds into the garden.

📚 Learn more: Surprising Violet fragrance of the Blue Lips

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Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?

Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance? Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance? Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance? Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?
Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?

You already saw one unusual blue flower of Tropics - Lead Flower. This one is even more interesting!

👄 Mazabuka, or Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus) has mauve-blue, unusually lipped flowers that are lightly violet-lavender-fragrant!

  • 💙 Blue Lips create a pretty floral display on this shade-loving shrub with its attractive glossy green foliage.

  • 💙 Flowers are mauve-blue to purple and the lower petals are ribbed, giving the impression of lips, hence the common name.

  • 💙 Five fringed lobes, equal in size, short and rounded, are the flowers distinguishing feature.

  • 💙 Shade lover. Will happily bloom in the shade!

🐝🐦 The numerous flowers produced in summer are attractive to pollinating insects which encourage insect-feeding birds into the garden.

📚 Learn more: Surprising Violet fragrance of the Blue Lips

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Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Mazabuka, Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus)

Why this blue tropical flower has a violet fragrance?

You already saw one unusual blue flower of Tropics - Lead Flower. This one is even more interesting!

👄 Mazabuka, or Blue Lips (Sclerochiton harveyanus) has mauve-blue, unusually lipped flowers that are lightly violet-lavender-fragrant!
  • 💙 Blue Lips create a pretty floral display on this shade-loving shrub with its attractive glossy green foliage.
  • 💙 Flowers are mauve-blue to purple and the lower petals are ribbed, giving the impression of lips, hence the common name.
  • 💙 Five fringed lobes, equal in size, short and rounded, are the flowers distinguishing feature.
  • 💙 Shade lover. Will happily bloom in the shade!

🐝🐦 The numerous flowers produced in summer are attractive to pollinating insects which encourage insect-feeding birds into the garden.

📚 Learn more: Surprising Violet fragrance of the Blue Lips

🛒 Order Blue Lips

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Its not a cherry blossom! What is this pink-flowered beauty? Its one of the most beautiful Florida trees

Tabebuia impetiginosa - Dwarf Pink Tabebuia

🌸 It's not a cherry blossom! What is this pink-flowered beauty? It's one of the most beautiful Florida trees...

Tabebuia impetiginosa
- Dwarf Pink Tabebuia, is a spectacular Winter-Spring bloomer!
  • ♦️ Nice landscape tree, compact and fits small yards.
  • ♦️Beautiful bright pink flowers with yellow throats, covering the tree before new leaves appear.
  • ♦️ Winter bloomer - great choice with snow birds who stay in Florida in winter and want to see some flowers.
  • ♦️ More tabebuia varieties exist with yellow, white, purple flowers.

❄️ Tabebuia is a cold hardy tropical, at least to upper 20's. Grows well in Central Florida.

🛒 Shop Tabebuias


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How to grow the biggest fruit on Earth

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

🍐 How to grow the biggest fruit on Earth.

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is one of the most fascinating tropical fruit, as we showed earlier.
  • 👉 In spite of reputation being ultra tropical, the tree is not as cold sensitive as everyone believes. Mature trees can withstand light frost for a few hours without significant damage. Keeping Jackfruit in a pot is also an option in colder areas.
  • 👉 The fruit is so large and heavy that the tree has a smart feature to produce only at the base of the trunk. This makes it possible to keep Jackfruit tree at very short height - 6-7 ft tall. It can be grown in containers considering regular topping/pruning.

🔻 Secrets of Jackfruit successful production:
  • 📍 Frost free temperatures
  • 📍 Soil rich of organic matter (compost, manure, peat moss)
  • 📍 Moist soil and regular watering
  • 📍 Constant pruning and keeping under 7-10 ft
  • 📍Regular application of fertilizer, microelements and SUNSHINE-Honey supplement for better quality fruit.

🎥 Videos: of the fruit and of the tree

🛒 Shop Jackfruit trees

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One of the top 10 most impressive trees on the planet

Royal poinciana, Flamboyant tree, Delonix regia

Royal poinciana, Flamboyant tree, Delonix regia

💃 One of the top 10 most impressive trees on the planet

✍️ "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - Audrey Hepburn

📷 Royal poinciana, Flamboyant tree, Delonix regia - one of the most popular tropical trees covered with bright red orchid-like flowers from late winter through early summer.

"The Royal Poinciana is one of the most spectacular flowering trees in the USA, and probably among the top 10 on this planet. In full bloom, it is like a regal elephant caparisoned in red and yellow brilliance."
(Larry M. Schokman, The Kampong, National Tropical Botanic Garden)

🛒Grow your own Royal Poinciana

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Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!
🌴 Top Tropicals is now in Telegram!

TopTropicals.com - the World's leading authority on tropical plants - is now in Telegram. If you grow a tropical garden or indoor collection of rare plants, this is your channel!

Join to get exclusive updates on tropical gardening:

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...and of course, your favorite -
🐾 PeopleCats in the Garden!

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Caesalpinia pulcherrima - Red Dwarf Poinciana

Caesalpinia pulcherrima - Red Dwarf Poinciana

Caesalpinia pulcherrima - Red Dwarf Poinciana

🎨 "Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas." - Elizabeth Murray

❓ Why is it called a Peacock Flower? See yourself...

📷 Caesalpinia pulcherrima - Red Dwarf Poinciana, Bird of Paradise, Pride of Barbados, Peacock flower...

One of the most spectacular tropical bloomers. An eye-stopper!

🛒 Order online

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Three tropical plants that help you to stay young

Longevity Spinach - Gynura

Longevity Spinach - Gynura

Amlak, Otaheite Gooseberry fruit

Amlak, Otaheite Gooseberry fruit

Noni fruit

Noni fruit

🌱 Three tropical plants that help you to stay young.
  1. Longevity Spinach - as the name suggests, this is one of the superfoods, and it lowers cholesterol. The leaves and young shoot tips can be used fresh in salads, steamed, used in stir fry, stews, and soups. Just add them at the very end. Recipes here 🥣
  2. Amlak, or Otaheite Gooseberry - fruit is a major ingredient of Chavyanprash, a popular Ayurvedic tonic. It is the richest source of vitamin C. Makes a perfect lemonade.
  3. Noni - a world-famous medicinal fruit. The noni juice works on a cellular level and rejuvenates nearly every system in the body. Large leaves, very tropical look, quick to fruit... This is a perfect tree for container and indoors. PDF: Noni's health benefits (Tropical Treasures Magazine).

⚕️ Discover more medicinal plants

#Food_Forest #Remedies

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What orchids can be grown in the ground?

Spathoglottis Tropical Punch - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Tropical Punch - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Tropical Punch - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Epidendrum radicans - Orange Reed Ground Orchid, Sunrise

Epidendrum radicans - Orange Reed Ground Orchid, Sunrise

Spathoglottis Lemon Kiss - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Lemon Kiss - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Bletilla striata x formosana Kate - Yokohama Ground orchid

Bletilla striata x formosana Kate - Yokohama Ground orchid

Epidendrum elongatum x radicans - Lavender Reed Ground Orchid

Epidendrum elongatum x radicans - Lavender Reed Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Rainbow - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Spathoglottis Rainbow - Sorbet Ground Orchid

Arundina graminifolia - Bamboo Orchid, Bird Ground Orchid

Arundina graminifolia - Bamboo Orchid, Bird Ground Orchid

🌸 What orchids can be grown in the ground?

Orchids have a mystique that seems to set them apart from most other flowers... they are elegant and almost unreal in their perfection... But not every gardener has luck growing traditional orchids.
  • ⚜️ Terrestrial orchids (a.k.a. ground orchids) grow in regular garden soil instead of in the air on tree branches!
  • ⚜️ Ground orchids come in many colors and shapes.
  • ⚜️ Ground orchids will be happy to bloom in sun or shade and are very easy to grow!

🎥 Watch YouTube: Ground Orchids

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