How June plum can fruit itself to death: look at this heavy load!
🍈 How June plum can "fruit itself to death": look at this heavy load!
This exciting fruit tree will amaze you with its ability to fruit abundantly at a young age and small size. This is a DWARF variety of June plum, or Ambarella (Spondias cytherea).
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#Food_Forest #Nature_Wonders #Container_Garden
🏵 TopTropicals
This exciting fruit tree will amaze you with its ability to fruit abundantly at a young age and small size. This is a DWARF variety of June plum, or Ambarella (Spondias cytherea).
✳️ Grows as a compact 6-7 ft tree.
✳️ Very aromatic fruit, Its feel and juiciness resembles that of a mango (it's Mango's close relative) but with completely different, delicious flavor.
✳️ Expect heavy fruit production within a year. Starts fruiting in winter and holds the fruit up to 6-8 months and more.
✳️ Perfect container fruit tree.
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#Food_Forest #Nature_Wonders #Container_Garden
🏵 TopTropicals