protection for tropical plants

Pushing the limits of tropical gardening
The year is almost over but the winter is not. This Christmas weekend at
our Sebring B-farm we had it down to 30F. As a tropical gardener, winter can
be challenging, especially if you grow plants outside of tropical zones.
To protect your garden from the cold, consider the following:
1. Monitor freeze watches and be prepared to take action if
2. Create temporary structures like mini-greenhouses using PVC pipes,
carport frames, or bamboo sticks to support covers.
3. Use covers such as frost cloth, cardboard boxes, blankets, and bed
4. Use Christmas lights and other heating elements, including propane
heaters, to keep plants warm.
5. Add a layer of heavy mulch around plant trunks to protect them from the
6. Apply plant boosters that improve cold hardiness, such as Sunshine Epi,
Sunshine-Si, and Sunshine Superfood.
At TopTropicals B-Farm, we sprayed our plants with a special cold hardiness treatment Sunshine-Si and covered and wrapped
everything we could. We also moved cold sensitive species inside greenhouses.
All of our plants are looking great and happy!

Photo above: Mulching mango trunks and using Christmas lights for
cold protection
Read more about this special treatment plan: Cold Hardiness Improvement Kit.
Photo above: Temporary wrapping of a section of a greenhouse with a
plastic or frost cloth protects from a windchill. It may also win you a few
degrees even without a heater. In this particular case, according to our temp
sensors, it was 30F outside, and 41F inside this "dome", no heaters used.
Sunshine Boosters:
Last chance to stock up
at a lower price!
Boosters are natural, amino acid-based liquid fertilizers made with only
the highest quality ingredients. Starting in 2023, the pricing for Sunshine
Boosters will be adjusting to reflect the increasing cost of supplies. This is
your last chance to stock up on Sunshine Boosters before the end of the year!
Sunshine Boosters are safe to use year around, with every watering.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to get the best
value for your money!
Use discount for even better
for 22% off orders $220+
Min order $220. Offer expires 12-31-22