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April 22 - Earth Day

happy Earth Day

Every year, Top Tropicals joins in the celebration of Earth Day by planting new trees and shrubs in our garden... This is our way of making our corner of the Planet happier.

Plant your trees and shrubs today!

flowering trees collage


Our Ukrainian team update:
Happy Birthday Dasha!
Born amid the war...

Anatoly and Dasha

A happy update from our Sunshine Boosters team member in Ukraine, Anatoly Bychko: a baby girl is born!
"...We expected our baby when the war started... So my wife and I left the basement and drove hundreds of miles trying to get away from deadly missiles and find a working hospital... We left everything we had, lost our home, only took our Cat Belyash ("dumpling"). Now we started our new life in a new city... with a newborn little person - our Angel. Her name is Dasha!.."


Belyash Cat

All profits from Sunshine Boosters sales are used to help families of our Ukrainian Team

Miltonia spectabilis

Photo above: Easter present for Top Tropicals, Miltonia spectabilis var. moreliana, hand-crafted cross-stitch embroidery by our Editor Marina Rybka, the original photo by Oksana Rybka (Ukraine) taken in Prague Botanical Garden.


Aries Zodiac lucky plants

By Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Confident, energetic and fearless Aries, despite a stubborn forehead and steeply bent horns, is gentle and peaceful creature. Nevertheless, upholding his ideals, he can stubbornly go to the end non plus ultra, even to sacrificial death... Lamb is considered as sacrificial animal for a reason!..
...But in everyday life Aries are fun, kind and friendly people. Yes, stubborn, of course, but light character most often directs this stubbornness to achieve their goals, make dreams come true...
...With the same perseverance and energy, Aries will grow their flowers and plants, warming under the rays of the morning sun, to the joy for all: Aries, animals, humans and all live creatures. Aries is a great gardener. Everything grows, blooms, and fruits, whatever planted. Aries can rightfully be considered the "greenest" of all Zodiac signs!...


NEW VIDEO Interview:
Sunshine Boosters Fertilizer works Magic for Plants

Sunshine Boosters youtube video

In this video our customer Kareem is sharing his experience with using Sunshine Boosters fertilizers.
How to grow bigger plants faster?
What fertilizer is organic and safe for edibles, pets and insects?
How to make your fruit and veggies juicier, sweeter and more flavorful?
What is the most efficient and economical fertilizer?
How much fertilizer to use, for how long, and when to start?
Find out now!

Sunshine Boosters YouTube video

Subscribe to our Channel:

Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!


No Winter lasts forever

Jasminum nitidum (illicifolium) - Star 

Photo above: Jasminum nitidum (illicifolium) - Star Jasmine, is a fragrant-sweet Spring bloomer!

"...No Winter lasts forever, no Spring skips its turn. April is a promise that May is bound to keep, and we know it..."
- Hal Borland -

Ruttya Fruticosa

Photo above: Ruttya Fruticosa - Rabbit Ears, Hummingbird Bush


Cat of the month:
Frosya Yavorsky from Ukraine

Frosya Ukrainian Cat

Meet Frosya Yavorsky - an anti-war and anti-stress Cat of Alex and Lena Yavorsky. They live in Lviv, Ukraine and contribute their plant photos to Top Tropicals Catalog. Recently they sent us the beautiful Sunflower field photo that everyone can enjoy now at Top Tropicals home page. Frosya's main job today is psychological support of her parents during this cruel times. Top Tropicals recently sent to this family some proceeds of Kristi's Sunflowers sold at Sunday Event Sale. Frosya, please stay healthy and keep your parents calm and strong. You guys are in our thoughts, prayers, and hearts.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Ukraine

Ukrainian Corn and 

Ukraine direct support:

To support Ukraine, please make your purchase of so-much-needed plant food today: Sunshine Boosters, developed by our Ukrainian Team.
All profits from Sunshine Boosters sales go to Ukraine.
Your help is needed TODAY.

Sunshine Boosters

Sunshine Boosters

Photo above: Fedor Shabliy with his family - Oksana and Vova - are about to start planting vegetables in their backyard. Fresh start once the freeze is over... Fedor, the author of the Sunshine Boosters formulas, looks into the future with optimism. Staying strong!


Grow Your Own Food:
Costa Rican Guava - Guava for Drinking!

Cas Guava - Psidium friedrichsthalianum, Fruit

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Looking for a handsome, unusual fruit tree for container culture with healthy and flavorful fruit? Or simply want an easy fruit tree that is hardy and undemanding? Psidium friedrichsthalianum (family Myrtaceae), the Costa Rican Guava or Cas Guava, is a perfect small guava tree that can be very rewarding. In Nicaragua it is called "Guava for Drinking" or "Fresco de Guava". Despite the tartness, the flavor is excellent with passionfruit and pineapple tones and is much more pronounced than the subtle flavor of the common Guava. These fruits are very much a part of the culture and cuisine of Costa Rica. Also it has been successfully grown in California now and can be grown in many subtropical regions or as a container plant - "condo" fruit tree...

Cas Guava - Psidium friedrichsthalianum, Tree


New Video:
How to grow your own Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia tree youtube video

In this video we talk about growing your own Macadamia tree and enjoy the most delicious and the most expensive nuts right from your backyard!

Macadamia tree nuts

Macadamia tree

Subscribe to our Channel:

Stay updated with TopTropicals Videos by subscribing to our channel at YouTube.com/TopTropicals and get our latest video news of what is fruiting and blooming!


Macadamia: Hard Sweet Nut and Hardy Tree

Macadamia nuts

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Do you know what is the most hard-shelled nut in the world? And the most useful? Most rich in nutrients? May aid weight loss? They are Macadamia nuts!...
...Macadamia nuts garner premium prices as the demand surpasses current production... ...Are you searching for a nut that you can grow in cooler subtropics like Central Florida? This is the one. It looks hopeful as a new alternative crop for Florida growers. Macadamia nuts are most delicious and popular sweet nuts that are so expensive... They can be produced and enjoyed in your garden! Macadamia is cold hardy, fast growing, tolerates all soils and very productive. It likes lots of water, will live through some flooding, as well as some drought once established. Older trees can survive cold winters with a little die back, but young trees will need to be protected from cold temperatures below 25-26F...

Macadamia nut tree, Macadamia 


Join our Sunday Garden Party Today!

Saving on your favorite plants is Easy.
Easy like Sunday Morning...

It's time for our favorite day and another Easy stroll through Top Tropicals Garden with savings of

up to 50% and MORE!

Spring into Spring Garden Party
Local or Virtual

Spring has arrived! Spring signals new beginnings and nature's renewal and offers a ray of hope in a world that could really use some right now.
Today is our Spring into Spring Garden Party at our TopTropicals Garden Center in Fort Myers, Florida. Cool vendors, Live Music, Plant Clinic and 15% off all plants. If you can't join us live, come to this virtual party and you can Save 15% too! And more...

Check our event page for the latest pictures and take advantage of our savings available to you! 15% off all orders of $100 or more. Simply use the code GARDENPARTY at checkout and save!

For 15% off use code:

Min order $100 excluding S/H, exp. 3-21-22.

Exclusive offer for online guests only:
50% OFF 4 rare Kalanchoe species

As a special offer for online shoppers, we offer a flash deal of easy to grow, yet rare Kalanchoe varieties, with at instant 50% OFF for one day only! On top of that, use your GARDENPARTY 15% off coupon at checkout and make it a STEAL!

Kalanchoe synsepala Magnificent - Walking Cup Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora (tetraphylla ) - Flapjacks
Kalanchoe pinnata - Hawaiian Air Plant, Bahamas Breath Plant
Kalanchoe daigremontiana - Mother of Thousands

Remember, this Easy Sunday Deal expires on Monday, 3-21-22.