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Kristi's Loquat Tropical BBQ sauce

Loquat trees are famous for their abundant fruit production. Many customers who purchased this tree from us, soon end up with some serious crops and start asking if we have any special recipes for loquat fruit - because you can only eat so much out of hand! Here is our manager Kristi's favorite Loquat recipe - not only delicious and tropically-aromatic, but also good for you. Happy Tropical Meal!


2 lbs loquat fruit

  1. cup soft brown sugar
  2. cups malt vinegar
    1 onion chopped
  3. cloves garlic

    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp black pepper
    1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  4. cloves whole or 1/2 tsp ground cloves


    Wash the fruit, cut them in half and remove stones. The loquats will lose about a third of their weight once stoned (3 lbs of whole fruit = 2 lbs of fruit, stones removed). Add loquats and all remaining ingredients to a large saucepan. Bring to a low boil, then simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally. The liquid will have reduced quite a bit and the fruit will be collapsed and very soft. Allow to cool slightly, then liquidize the sauce in a blender or a food processor. Be careful, hot sauce really burns!

This delicious tropical sauce is great for any BBQ - with meats or fish. Enjoy!


Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

How to prevent mango flowers drop

Q:The mango blossoms my tree had in February have blown off due to weather conditions. Do you know what I can do to prevent this from happening again in the future?

A: The only "guarantee" to protect mango flowers from cold weather damage here in Florida is to plant a LATE flowering variety. Generally, mango trees are winter bloomers. Those varieties called "early season" start flowering in January (for example, Nam Doc Mai), and of course very often they get affected by cold, so they drop. Some varieties are so called "late season" - for example Venus. They start flowering in spring when the weather conditions are more favorable.
Another thing that may help you with mango flower drop is applying plant micro-element supplement Sunshine-Honey - it contains Molybdenum and Boron, which help flower and fruit development/strength and prevent their drop.

Read more: Boosting Mango Flowers and Fruit.


Champaka - a true Joy of your life

by Alex Butova, the Witch of Herbs and Cats

...Champaka, or Joy Perfume Tree, is regarded as one of the most sacred trees of India and tropical Asia. Its flowers exude a divine fragrance that is exceedingly pleasing to the Gods... and women!..
...The tree was traditionally used to make fragrant hair and massage oils. Jean Patou’s famous perfume, 'Joy', the second bestselling perfume in the world after Chanel No. 5, (but definitely the most expensive number one!) is derived from the essential oils of champaka flowers. The plant common name "Joy Perfume Tree" comes from this perfume. Many niche perfumers are now once again using Champaka Absolute as single note fragrances...
Planting a Golden Champaka really makes your home a sweet home. Also you can take the flower into your car, office, restroom, and anywhere you want to create fragrant atmosphere. It emits a unique warm fragrance which promotes a peaceful state of mind, reduces stress and helps you to relax and breathe easily. Looks like it is specially designed for moments of tranquil contemplation. It’s the nature of Champaka - to remind us of the Divine in all things...



Cold hardy tropical fruit trees for Zone 9

Q: Can you suggest tropical fruit that can be grown (cold hardy) in Zone 9?

A: There are quite a few tropical/subtropical trees that will grow well in zone 9. Our favorites are: Figs - very cold hardy and drought tolerant.
Loquats - grafted trees that start fruiting right away, reliable producers.
Tropical Mulberry - very fast growing trees that can take freeze, heavy producers.
Macadamia - these trees are of a compact nature, very easy to grow and start producing nuts right away.
Many different varieties of Eugenias - tropical cherries - all-time favorites. Another tropical cherry - Malpighia, or Barbados cherry - starts fruiting in small size under one food tall! Great for containers.
Tropical (Low Chill) Peaches, Nectarines, and Plums. See full list of low-chill, relatively cold hardy fruit trees.
And of course - Bananas!

Don't forget to fertilize your fruit trees to improve their cold hardiness!


Macadamia Goodness

Macadamia nuts are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and healthy fats. Their potential benefits include weight loss, improved gut health, and protection against diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease.
Native to Australia, Macadamia trees are now grown in various places around the world, such as Brazil, Costa Rica, Hawaii, and New Zealand.
Like most other nuts, Macadamia nuts are rich in nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. They are also linked to several benefits, including improved digestion, heart health, weight management, and blood sugar control.

10 health benefits of macadamia nuts

1. Rich in nutrients
2. Loaded with antioxidants
3. Boost heart health
4. Reduce risk of metabolic syndrome
5. May aid weight loss
6. Improve gut health
7. Providing anticancer properties
8. Boosting brain health
9. Bumping up your longevity
10. Easy to add to your diet
Learn more...

Delicious Macadamia nuts are loved by everyone, but they are so expensive from a grocery store... If you are excited about this nut, start saving: get your own tree and harvest your own goodness!

Macadamia are very handsome trees. They are easy to grow, require very little care and are relatively cold hardy. The are slow growing, compact bushy trees that start fruiting within 2-3 years from seed. Macadamias trees are reliable producers. The most important in Macadamia cultivation - do not over-fertilize this plant, it is very sensitive to regular fertilizer. Use only liquid plant food, and provide Micro-elements on regular basis.

Read more about this plant >>


Trimming Pomegranate Tree

Q: I purchased a Pomegranate var. Vietnam, 3 gal from you in Feb. Your lit says trim for the first 3 years to encourage new growth. How old is my tree, please? Would you recommend I trim before leaving for the summer on April 30?

A: The Pomegranate trees we have for sale are grown from cuttings and are about 2 years old. Once you plant the tree in the ground, it will start producing new shoots. You don't need to trim it now. The best time will be end of summer.


Healthy Plants: Q&A from Mr Booster

Why my Avocado is not flowering?

Q: I have 5 avocados. Three of your cold hardy varieties and two others that have all flowered and set fruit in the past. The last two years including this year, not a single one of them has put out any flowers. I am getting lots of new growth like one would expect on a tree too young to flower. The last two years have been very mild with out any damaging frost where in previous years they lost all their leaves due to frost yet started putting out flowers once winter was over. I am confused because they have all flowered and set fruit previous years. Any ideas would be appreciated.

A: From information you provided, and considering the trees get lots of full sun and cold was not an issue, the only explanation is - lack of nutrients. Here is an example.
Very common situation: you get a small 2-3 ft Avocado or Mango tree in 3 gal pot (or even smaller) from a nursery, full of flowers, and sometimes even a small fruit. You bring it home, plant it in the ground or a bigger pot, it looks happy and grows like crazy. Then next year - oops, no fruit, sometimes not even flowers. What happened?
When the tree lived in a nursery, it was provided with all necessary nutrients through the injector systems (continuous feed); or some nurseries may use top dress smart release on regular schedule. Regardless of fertilizer type, professional grower's set up delivers plant food non-stop, on regular basis, with balanced formulas. Plants are not only growing fast but also ready to produce, since nutrients are always available for a full growth cycle.
When you plant a tree in the ground (or larger pot), conditions change. They may be beneficial for the plant: lots of room for roots to establish, hence lots of vegetative growth. Even if you planted it using good quality fertile soil, this soil may contain mostly nutrients responsible for vegetative growth (branches and leaves). Chances are, your soil may be rich in Nitrogen (good for green growth), but poor in other elements responsible for flowering and fruiting (Phosphorous, Potassium, and many important micro-elements such as Molybdenum, Boron, Iron, etc.). Besides, existing soil gets exhausted quickly, and within a year a two, if you don't add fertilizer, flowering and fruiting may be reduced or even stopped. This is why fertilizing program is very important for fruit trees that are expected to bring a crop soon.

We recommend:

- SUNSHINE C-Cibus - Crop Nutrition Booster - balanced food for fruit trees
- SUNSHINE-Honey - sugar booster - promotes more efficient blossoming and pollination, makes flowers bigger and reduces bud drop
- SUNSHINE SuperFood - for improving fruit trees production

Also keep in mind that some fruit trees have a habit of "skipping" a year and may either produce less or not produce at all every other year. In any case, balanced nutrition program can help to fix this "bad habit".


How the Willows Came to be Called Pussy Willows?

Pussy Willows are the Symbol of Spring and Easter. But why are they called Pussy Willows?
According to an old Polish legend, many springtimes ago a mother cat was crying at the bank of the river in which her kittens were drowning. The willows at the river's edge longed to help her, so they swept their long graceful branches into the waters to rescue the tiny kittens who had fallen into the river while chasing butterflies. The kittens gripped on tightly to their branches and were safely brought to shore. Each springtime since, goes the legend, the willow branches sprout tiny fur-like buds at their tips where the tiny kittens once clung!
Ever since then, in Spring, the willow gentle velvet buds feel to the fingers like the silky coat of a small cat. These buds are known today as catkins and remarkably, in every country, these soft willow trees are named after cats. Read more about the legend.


Small flowering tree for community

Q: Hi, I live on the east coast near West Palm, but I see you ship your plants. My HOA allows for Yellow Tabebuia species and I'm looking for two or three smaller trees that can fit in my front yard in smaller spaces. Ideally looking for trees that would stay under 20' in height, but preferably even smaller. Can you tell me the average height and spread of the Dwarf Golden Tabebuia or Silver Trumpet trees?

A: The Yellow Tabebuia - Tabebuia caraiba is a very good choice for a small yard. It grows about 20 ft average size, 7-10 ft wide. Sometimes taller, but it is slow growing and it will take many-many years to grow to a bigger size. It is a spectacular tree when in bloom, however, keep in mind that it is not very wind resistant; although it is not difficult to secure it back being a small tree. Another Tabebuia which is even more compact tree, has stronger root system and is more wind resistant:
Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia
Also some other interesting choices:
Radermachera Kunming - Dwarf Tree Jasmine
Senna polyphylla - Bahamas Cassia, Desert Cassia
Cordia sebestena - Scarlet Geiger tree

See full list of compact small trees

Tabebuia chrysotricha - Dwarf Golden Tabebuia

Radermachera Kunming - Dwarf Tree Jasmine

Senna polyphylla - Bahamas Cassia, Desert Cassia

Cordia sebestena - Scarlet Geiger tree


The most rewarding hardy fruit trees

Q: Recently I started working remotely and I kinda like it, no need to commute, it saves me so much time so I can have life now! My friend got me involved into growing some small houseplants but I really want to take advantage of our Florida climate and sun. I want to plant some cool fruit trees since I have a decent size yard. But I live in Florida Panhandle and we do have some occasional freeze in winter, although not for too long. But it gets very hot in summer! Are there any tropical fruit trees that will be happy here? Or should I keep everything in pots? I am excited to have my own tropical plant collection!

A: There is a perfect plant for everyone, and a perfect tree for every climate. Many tropical and especially subtropical plants can be much hardier than they are believed to be, both flowering and fruiting trees among them. You may keep the most sensitive species in pots and bring them inside for winter, while there are so many trees that will be happy in your area. Start with these that are perfect for climates with hot summers and cool winters:

1. Peaches and Plums

Low-chill, Heat-tolerant Peaches, Nectarines, Plums are especially selected for Florida hot summers. They produce well and do not require many "chill" hours like temperate fruit trees. They only need 150 chill hours and grow well in even in Arizona, so you know they are taking the heat.

2. Figs

2) Fig trees - they are easy to grow, heat- and drought- resistant trees. They are prized for their delicious fruit, which can be one to three inches in length, violet, brown or black. There are even varieties with yellow fruit. Most fruits are borne from early summer to late fall on new growth, and the fruits generally mature very quickly. These trees are sensitive to frost only when actively growing, but can withstand 10F when dormant. Read more about Fig trees.