Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the day: Anders from the King's Palace
We receive many letters from customers who enjoy our Cat of the Day column, including those who want to share their cat stories with us! Today's guest in PeopleCat studio -
Cat Anders. Anders lives in Stockholm. He is a manager of a Garden
Center located in one of the King's properties - Palace Ulriksdal. He has so many beautiful flowers in
stock! Lots of orchids, camellias, and showy colorful annuals.
Anders' favorite spot is to sit by the cash register where he can closely
monitor every payment transaction. Sometimes he takes a walk around the
premises to take care of security issues and to stay on top of his inventory
control. During lunch time Anders visit Flower Cafe nearby, to make sure visitors'
dogs behave properly... Yes, dogs and cats are welcomed in!
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