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Meet People of TopTropicals. Raccoon of the Day: I came; I saw; I conquered

Everyone knows that our pets can have pets. Like King had his own Pet Mouse, or Marco had a Frog Pet in his water bowl... Visitor Possum Pete was a star too!

Today we are sharing with you pictures of another Pet of our Pets. Meet - Raccoon Charity who obviously won a Lucky Welfare Ticket for a free food... No food stamps required! No work ever done; no paycheck issued. I came; I saw; I conquered. Bless you, TopTropicals! The cats didn't mind sharing their earned benefits... or, were they afraid to say otherwise?

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Araucaria: A Case of Mistaken Identity

by Mark Hooten, the Garden Doc

There is a particular kind of tall narrow tree, commonly seen planted in yards all over the Florida peninsula... They perhaps resemble Northern spruces or firs, and basically everyone knows them as "Norfolk Island Pines". For many years, I also did not question their identity. Not only are they planted very commonly here in Florida, but are also found for sale, often as potted "Christmas Trees" in every major nursery, big box store, and often grocery stores across the country. They are all sold as Norfolk Island Pines. Basically everyone knows them under that name. However, they are NOT!..



Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Mister Booster

Everybody knows our Sunshine-colored Mister B, because... he is the Boss?... Not only that, but he is also very intelligent Purrrson. After over a decade of running TopTropicals marketing team, energetic Mr B decided to lead a new project: Sunshine Boosters.

What's in his store for us? He will guide you through his new website and show you around, where you can find all kinds of good stuff for your plants. For many years, TopTropicals customers have been enjoying the benefits of many effective plant supplements, and today Mr B with Sunshine Boosters brings new formulas of scientifically developed, natural, environmentally safe plant food for all your growing needs!
- For home gardeners and professionals.
- For small plant collections and large commercial growing facilities.
- For flowers and fruit trees.
- For medicinal plants and vegetables.
- For all to be happy.

Please check out Mr Booster's website , he worked really hard for the past year on making this project happen, and helping the Earth to be a better, nicer, and safer place!

And for those of you who are growing your own business, Mr B would like to help! He is offering FREE samples for small business starters! He knows it's not easy to find a perfect nutrition system and make your growing a success. He is here to help!

On February 13-14, as a Valentines Day Special, Mr B is exhibiting his new business Sunshine Boosters in Phoenix, AZ - in the Largest Arizona Expo! Don't miss our presentation seminar Feb 13th, Seminar Room #2, 1:45 PM: Precision growing with Sunshine Boosters. For those who can not attend the show in purrrrson, the presentation will be available for downloading from our website.

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Dombeya seminole - Tropical Rose Hydrangea

by Onika Amell, tropical plant expert

Looking for an unforgettable winter bloomer? Look no further than Dombeya Seminole. This is truly one of the showiest landscape plants. This beautiful shrub or small tree stuns with large clusters of showy, bowl shaped, pink flowers in late fall, winter and spring. It has dense heart shaped leaves. It is also called the tropical hydrangea because the flowers are similar to the hydrangeas we all know and love from up North...



Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: Vasiliy - the Lover

Wesley (aka Vasiliy) is a real Lover. He is the sweetest Purrrson you can imagine who just loves everybody... except! Except for those who ring the door bell. Wes is afraid of the doorbell and hides in a closet for a few hours every time he hears someone at the door. He runs away from that door knocking off everything on his way to the closet sanctuary. Just in case! In today's world of Amazon deliveries, he gets to spend in a closet quite a bit of time.

Another fear of Wesley is James Coconuts. We don't know why, but for some reason they have an issue. Coconuts once had bitten Wes for being too annoying with his love, and since then they stay on different sides of the couch!

Oh well, who said that lovers have no fears?

Wesley with his brother Marco when they were little


Jasmine Rex - the hero of all jasmines

Q: I was getting ready to place my order and I saw this plant and it's beautiful. I would love to have it. What does it need to thrive? As far as light, temperature, humidity.

A: Jasminum rex indeed is a very unusual, spectacular jasmine. Unlike other jasmines, this one has almost no fragrance, however the blooms look so amazing that it became one of our favorite plants. Flowers are 2-3 inches across! It blooms profusely, covered with dozens of flowers for many days to a few weeks.
Jasmine Rex is not the easiest jasmine to grow, however it is not difficult either as long as you know its needs. The main critical factor is excellent drainage. It doesn't like soggy soil or wet feet. At the same time it needs regular watering. Full sun is also a must for flowering. Humidity is not a critical factor. Remember it is a tropical plant that needs frost-free environment. It is more cold sensitive than other jasmines although it may survive a few hours of light frost.
Once established, it grows vigorously. Make sure to apply fertilizer during active growth (when temperatures stay above 65F). We recommend Sunshine nutrition system through the whole year. Additionally, you can apply flowering fertilizer Megaflor during summer.
Make sure to plant it in a sunny spot using very good quality soil, and do not overwater.

Check out all Jasmines


Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals. Cat of the Day: James Coconuts progress report

Many people asking about James Coconuts who used to be in charge of our Office and Customer Service team. What is he doing now? Did he get a promotion? We addressed this question to Coconuts and here is what he's got to say:

"Hi folks, I am doing just fine. Yes, I got a promotion and currently working in Sunshine Boosters Lab together with Mr Booster (I just call him Mr B). We are developing a revolutionary Sunshine Plant Nutrition Program. It is important that your plants have good food! I can tell from my own experience. When these nice people at TopTropicals picked me up from the street couple years ago, I was nothing but bone and skin... not even much fur. And look at me now! I am still working on my work out, and my resolution for 2020 is to become even more fluffy, just like that chick in the calendar! I think everyone should eat good... and do good... Like someone said:

"Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good!" (Minor Myers Jr).

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


Compact Bonsai and Money Money...

by Mark Hooten, the Garden Doc

Q: I am looking for a tropical plant to grow indoors as a bonsai which would naturally stay small, tolerate low humidity, and if possible also make flowers or something interesting. Any suggestions?

A: Better than anything, would be a particular variety of Euphorbia millii or Crown of Thorns, which Top Tropicals has exclusively introduced from Thailand, and is called - of all things - Money Money. (Those Thai seem to give their hybrids names which don't seem to make sense to us English speakers). I have one growing as a bonsai myself, and hold it with much esteem. It has all the qualities which you are hoping for...



Meet People of TopTropicals. Pea Cock of the Day: the Orchid Guard

Recently we started to reveal the secret about who works behind the scenes on TopTropicals project; you have already met our editors and their assistants: Marina with Tilda, and Alex with Sonya. Today's story is about a Magic Peacock who works in orchid greenhouse of Eleanor Wilks - our photographer and tropical plant journalist in New Zealand and Australia. The watermark EleNZ you see on pictures of Australian flora - is Eleanor's!
Today Eleanor is sharing with us pictures of this amazing bird that helps her around her Orchidarium.
This young Pea Cock showed up one day in her backyard from nowhere and set up his living quarters in a tree. She asked around: no one was missing a peacock... so she took the Pea in and now he is in charge of her orchid collection. After a day of a hard work, Pea comes home to the back porch, waiting for Eleanor to sing him a good-night lullaby. Pea won't go to sleep until everyone in the house is ready for bed and the lights turned off. What a responsible house guard!

Check out Video: Meet PeopleCats of TopTropicals and more Cat of the Day stories.


The most luscious Hospitality Fruit: Pineapple

by Mark Hooten, the Garden Doc

I wonder how many people know that the Pineapple (Ananas comosus) was actually the very first New World tropical fruit to have been sampled fresh by European royalty? It happened 527 years ago, when one made it to Spain, being personally delivered to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella by Christopher Columbus... He had obtained a huge number of them, however only one actually survived intact and edible! That pineapple was instantly declared to be the most luscious wonderful fruit ever!..
...During the 1700s before the Revolutionary War, the overly monetarily intoxicated super-rich were actually paying a modern equivalent ofโ  - get this - 8000 dollars for a single fruit!..
...In conclusion, I will add the simple recipe for my personally favorite go-to comfort food...


Pineapple plantation in Hawaii